Learning and development strategy

What is the first item in a falling economy or business that gets cut back drastically. You will spot on if you said it is the training budget. Why does this happen?

Training for a long time has been treated and is still being treated as a cost to the business rather than a value enhancing proposition. It points to lack of understanding of good learning and development strategies and the value creation that occurs. For organisations to prosper and compete in today’s world of risk and compliance, complexities, digital revolution and uncertain global order, it needs to develop a learning strategy that is aligned to the business goals of the organization now and into the future. A good strategy seeks to support professional development and build competencies across the company, in a timely and a cost-effective manner. This enhances company culture and encourages employees to live the company’s values. Today company success can also be measured on intangible assets—skilled employees, exceptional leaders, and knowledge.

R Value helps you build a robust Learning and development strategy by focussing on your unique business needs, talent management requirements today and your strategic business objectives into the future.

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How to build a robust Learning and development strategy?

If organization must prosper and compete in today world of risking complexities, digital revolution and uncertain global order, it has to develop a learning strategy that is aligned to the business goals of the organization.

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